Staying Connected During COVID-19
Many of us are intuiting that something bigger is going on right now. It is more than just COVID-19, more than economic decline, more than s
Many of us are intuiting that something bigger is going on right now. It is more than just COVID-19, more than economic decline, more than s
The Greek word is "paraklēton," and it is a compound word that directly translates as "to call beside." This word choice
As I am navigating this strange time we are living, I find that I have moments of panic. It usually hits me when I least expect. I have thou
I was taught that Jesus is coming back. As a result, I have been taught to think that every crisis could be the "End Time." When I
Our God is working in ways that will cause our salivation and deliverance to occur. We need to wait. We need to trust.
David took his time to mourn all that was not. Now, David’s words explode with hope! David demands that all who do evil get away from him. S
I want this kind of relationship with God. A relationship devoid of my trying to pan for my wants. A relationship that seeks God for who He
David was being attacked and pursued from every side. His own son was trying to kill him. Everything that could go wrong did. David finds sa
The part of this Psalm that leaves me with the most hope despite the evil in the world is the fact that the Messiah is on His way! Everyone
God is in the business of miracles. God is in the business of answering our prayers. God is in the business of providing us with hope.